Data Quality

Data Quality

ElevenMR takes data quality very seriously. It is the driving force behind our project management expertise and always at the forefront of every project we run for our clients. We realize the MR industry as a whole has seen data quality drop over the last number of years, so ElevenMR works tirelessly to keep one step ahead of the bots, professional respondents, and other bad actors out there. We do this through our extensive industry experience and through the technology we employ. Our goal is simple: to deliver the highest quality, actionable data to our client.


“We believe the key to quality data is the management of the study
and the experience of the project team. “


 Research Design 

We partner closely with our clients to make strategic recommendations within their screeners and questionnaires to ensure the respondents coming into our surveys are genuine and who they are supposed to be, while blocking fraudulent respondents. We can help with suggestions for adding quality traps, red herrings, and consistency checks within the survey to enhance the data quality coming back.  Think of ElevenMR as your data quality consultants.

We can help ensure correct screening questions are incorporated – demographic and firmographic – along with questions confirming qualifying criteria. We want to make sure we have the right respondent, and they are capable of answering the survey questions.

Online Panel Network 

Through our trusted partner network we are able to use the highest quality online panels in the industry, and continuously monitor the quality results of these panels. Additionally, by using multiple panels on each study we are able to mitigate the risk from a single panel potentially providing inadequate quality. We can quickly remove or shift quota in-field based on the client’s data quality review. Our online panels are vetted completely and meet industry and quality control guidelines.

Phone Team and Custom Databases 

Our phone team provides unrivaled data quality, typically providing a 1%–5% removal rate. They are trained to find and recruit the correct respondent targets using our robust custom database. They are taught to collect precise data from the respondent that reduces survey ambiguity and gives our clients high quality actionable data.

PM Team Experience 

Our team monitors data quality on a day-to-day basis. We employ specific Project Management processes, which include understanding study objectives and confirming respondent qualifications and relevant screening questions. The team is skilled at reviewing the screener and survey instrument to make sure the data being collected is of the highest possible quality.